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Decktopus Yazılım Anonim Şirketi

Teknopark İzmir A10 Binası Kat:1 No:20

Sektör :

Yazılım,, Sunum,, Danışmanlık

Uzmanlıklar :

Presentation Creation & Delivery, Digital Marketing

Yetkili :

Noyan İdin

What is Decktopus?

Decktopus is a smart and simple online presentation tool that helps you create visually stunning and content-rich presentations in an extremely short time. The platform offers a seamless design & theme selection process, visuals, quotes, and automatic auto-adjustments to preserve integrity in line with the content of your presentation. By adding embedded feedback, contact forms, rating elements, make your presentation interactive.

Best For

Anyone who's looking to create engaging presentations in a time crunch. Our current users have used Decktopus to create real estate offerings, digital marketing proposals, business plans, startup pitches, and more. 

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